The 2018 KMTA Conference was held in downtown Louisville at the Galt House Hotel on September 14-15, 2018.
From the President
An enormous thank you to everyone involved in making the 67th Annual KMTA Conference a huge success this past September! Although we had many changes this year with schedule and organization of our events, we had a record number of participants at the 2018 conference. Our slate of presenters was nothing short of fantastic. These included many insightful and useful presentations on teaching, repertoire, and scholarly topics, as well as a delightfully engaging and helpful vocal master-class given by Dr. Katherine Donner. The performances also held a high standard with a spellbinding performance of Dr. Steve Rouse’s commissioned composition This Dream and a wonderful night of Brahms and Chopin Ballades given by our outstanding conference artist, Sylvia Thereza.
We had an overwhelming amount of positive feedback regarding the split of conference and competitions. KMTA members were especially satisfied with the earlier conference dates and the Friday/Saturday schedule of events. We look forward to continuing this timetable for our 2019 conference! Stay tuned for more details!
See pictures from the 2018 KMTA Conference here on Google Drive.
Zachary Lopes, DMA
President, Kentucky Music Teachers Association
Assistant Professor of Music (Piano), Western Kentucky University
Conference Guests
Guests for the 2018 KMTA Conference were Sylvia Thereza, Conference Artist; Steve Rouse, Commissioned Composer; and Katherine Calcamuggio Donner, Masterclass Clinician.
You can find out more about our 2018 Conference Artists, including bios and other projects, here.
Conference Schedule
The 2018 KMTA Conference had wide variety of events and presentations. Topics included 4-hand piano works, Tai Chi for musicians, a look at the piano works of Emma Lou Diemer, and more.
For a list of all the presentations, you can view the full schedule here.