Morning Session
This is a great opportunity for students to play for the EKU Piano Faculty. Free and open to any student. To enroll your students, please send names of students, ages of students, and contact information to:
Deadline for entries: 2/25/17
Confirmation of performance times will be emailed after registration
Teacher Workshop
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Stage of Center for the Arts
Guest clinician: Dr. Takako Hayase Frautschi
“Keys to Success
Producing Young Gifted Pianists”
Dr. Hayase will discuss and demonstrate teaching techniques. The lecture will include 5 areas of success:
¨ Studio setting and policy
¨ Teaching technique and teaching aids
¨ Motivational tools that increase students to engage in more practice
¨ “Piano lessons are not just piano lessons.”
¨ “I am not just a piano teacher.”
¨ Demonstration of teaching
Dr. Frautschi is a full-time piano faculty member of the Preparatory Division of the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). Her students often receive prizes in local and national competitions. Many have received prizes from several state and local Competitions. And out of state competitions such as the Grave Competition, Overture Competition in Ohio, the American Protégé Competitions as well as the Golden Classical International Competition in New York City. Several have performed in Weill Recital Hall within Carnegie Hall, New York. One of her students received a gold medal in the Music Development Program, which the Royal Conservatory runs, for scoring the highest in the country last year.
Dr. Frautschi has previously served on the faculties of Earlham College, Community
Division of Capital University, and Wiberforce University in Ohio. She holds a Master’s degree in piano performance from Eastman School of Music and a Bachelor’s and Doctoral degree in piano performance from CCM. Dr. Frautschi’s performance highlights include an appearance at Weill Hall in Carnegie Hall, New York City in 1998 and 2010. Her most recent recital was broadcasted over WECI 91.5FM in Richmond, Indiana.
Center for the Arts
3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Teachers: You are invited to enroll your students in the final recital! This is free and open to the public.
To enroll, please email:
EKU Piano Professors
(left) Dr. Richard Crosby
(center) Dr. Rachel Taylor
(right) Dr. Bernardo Scarambone